Our mission is to make disciples in Vernonia and the Nehalem Valley and from there into all the world. Vernonia Christian Church is a home town church in the rustic city of Vernonia tucked into the hills and timber about an hours drive from Portland and an hours drive to the coast.
Our church is made up of people from all walks of life. Just like our town you will find people in our church from the agricultural world and logging industry to people from the tech world who commute into the city every day. There are young people and kids and there are our Sr Saints “the young at heart” who love the kids! We have people from all kinds of backgrounds. Everyone has a story. Some have tougher stories. Some have painful stories. The one thing we all have in common together as a church though, is our need to know God’s grace in our lives and to be followers of Jesus Christ.
When you come to Vernonia Christian Church you will find that this is a place where you will learn about the message of God’s love and His grace. This is not your typical small town church.
We are a big minded church in a small city! Our people are friendly and welcoming to visitors. Our programs are well done and we strive for excellence. Our worship services are upbeat and exciting. Our preaching and teaching will be modern, relevant, and personable. There are kids here. Lots of them! There is life here. People are praying for each other. People are sharing with and serving one another. People are encouraging each other. Marriages are growing stronger. Families are being ministered to. Relationships are being built. Friendships are being born, and people are growing as disciples.
When you come to Vernonia Christian Church you will find that you have all kinds of opportunities for you and your family to Grow. If you have are new and testing the waters of faith we have opportunity for you to learn the basics in our 101 class. If you have come from another church background we have opportunity for you to explore membership through our 101 class and we will plug you into the church team so you can have opportunity to serve.
When you come to Vernonia Christian Church we know you have a story. We want to hear your story and help you discover where the story of Jesus can come together with the story of your life. We will help you figure out where you are in your faith journey. We will help guide you through those steps and partner together with you to help you grow as a follower of Jesus. This is what we mean by “Making Disciples.” At Vernonia Christian church our mission is simple. We are here in Vernonia to Make Disciples. That’s who we are.